Last week I received an email from Heather, the founder of a recently launched DC non-profit organization called Petal Share. Petal Share’s mission is to share recycled flowers from weddings & events with people in DC nursing homes, hospice centers and hospitals.
Um how seriously awesome is this idea!?
One of the reasons I didn’t want flowers in my wedding was because of the waste-factor. I hated thinking all this money would be spent on beautiful, living flowers, for a total of one day and then they would just be thrown out. I nearly force every centerpiece and bouquet on other vendors at the end of weddings I am now working as well!! It just kills me to throw out beautiful flowers – so, sharing them with those in need in hospice, nursing homes, and hospitals!? UH GENIUS. And so, so awesome.
For the rest of the story follow the link to Capitol Romance:
